Transfer Microsoft Teams Calls with Announcement on the Mobile Device

Transfer Microsoft Teams Calls with Announcement on the Mobile Device


While the call is ongoing, press the Transfer button.

Bottom row middle

Press "Consult first"

Search for the person to whom the call should be forwarded.

During the following steps, the caller is "on hold" and listens to music.

Click on person (in this example Ponlu Kang)

Communicating a call via chat is not very practical.

Therefore better:

Press the telephone receiver symbol at the top right.

Now press the telephone symbol below where it says call.

The person being called is called.

Ask the person if they would like to answer the call.

If yes , press the transfer symbol (opposite double arrows)

If no , press the "triangle symbol" to speak to the caller again.

Confirm the forwarding by pressing "Transfer"

The forwarding is complete.

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